Simple Steps to Lead Organization


Tiffany Silverberg (of interviewed Amy about her organizational skills. Here is a sneak peak! Head on over to Tiffany’s blog to see the rest of the interview!


Tiff: Amy, how do you prioritize tasks – especially when there are more tasks than time?

Amy: I like to break down all of my tasks and work on them in small chunks of time, rather than sit down and create a document (for example, someone’s resume) all in one sitting. This way, if I get overwhelmed or hit a wall with one document, I just save and close it, and then move on to the next document.

How do you balance creativity with deadlines? (In other words, it’s easy to procrastinate when the creativity juices aren’t flowing)

I feel like it keeps my creative juices flowing too because I change things up throughout the day. I am also really good about scheduling a few weeks out so that I always have an idea about what’s coming up. Sometimes it is difficult saying no to someone if they want a document asap, but I’d rather provide a quality product than a rushed product.

What are your main tips for managing time?

Schedule everything on your calendar!! I don’t have a separate “to do” list — all of my “to do” items are listed right on my calendar so that I’ve already blocked off time to complete that task. That way, I can see a snap shot of everything I have going on in one place that can be accessed from my computer or phone. Of course, when something with a higher priority comes up, I tend to have to push back some of my general “to do” items for a later time on my calendar.

When it comes to long-term tasks, like client follow up, how do you ensure nothing falls through the cracks?

This may sound too organized, but I actually keep track of all potential, interested, current, and previous clients in an excel spreadsheet that can be easily sorted and color coded. At least once a week, I open up that spreadsheet to update it (and yes, I schedule that on my calendar!)


Head on over to Tiffany’s blog to see the rest of the interview!


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