Phone Interview Tips: Part II

Phone Interview Tips

So many first impressions are made on how a job seeker looks. But what if the first job interview is a phone interview? Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression!

When scheduling a phone interview, find out:

  • The time of the call (clarify time zone)
  • Who is calling whom (on what phone number)
  • How long to expect the call to last
  • Who will be on the call (name, job title)

Prepare notes ahead of time:

  • Create some notes to use as talking points with position and industry-specific accomplishments, assets you possess as an employee, and information about the company that you learned from your research that ties into your skills, abilities, and qualifications.
  • Have specific metrics and accomplishments (detail the numbers, percentages, and dollar amounts) on your notes for quick reference.
  • Develop a list of questions you want to ask (generally two to four questions is the average).


  • Prepare an opening and closing statement in advance (an “elevator pitch” works great!)
  • Practice speaking concisely and clearly.
  • Record a practice call so you can identify areas to improve.
  • Pick a location that will be free from distracting background noises – no television, pets, kids, etc.

Additional Tips:

  • Make sure you are thoroughly familiar with the job description or job posting.
  • Take notes during your call.
  • Dress for an interview like you would an in-person interview.

Did you miss Part I of this series? If so, you can read it here.


Note: This blog post only touches on certain aspects of this topic and is not a comprehensive list. This blog post is an educational and informational resource for job seekers and is not a substitute for working with a resume writer or other professional. See our Terms and Conditions for additional information.

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